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30 Days of Hope - Day 11

Guywire Ministry

Brothers and Sisters,

In times of stress where does your focus trend to? In the midst of the stress and anxiety that this time is causing it is easy to look about, shifting to and fro for answers, for solace, for hope.

Today’s passage is a message of focus.  David’s focus in trouble and affliction was pointed squarely in the right direction. In a time of distress where many things were competing for his attention, David rightly discerned that the most valuable thing he could do to address his anxiety was focus on God.

In times like these we can often feel like crawling in a hole and pulling a rock over the top in an effort to shield us from the challenges around us. In those moments when we feel this way we come to a point of intentionality.  We will either intentionally focus on fear or we will intentionally focus on trust. The first choice leaves us feeling overwhelmed and adrift as though we are alone in this fight. The second choice, the better choice, shifts our focus to the one person who can dispel the fear inside us with the comfort of His presence.

In these days, choose the better way.  David did. He chose the path of prayer.  He understood, as we should all come to understand, the fear reducing, hope inducing power of prayer.  God is listening to your prayers and He will answer.

Pray today’s passage.  Use this prayer to shift your focus. A focus on the one who wants you to know He is bringing you through these days.

Pray this passage to God.  Pray it with another.  Help someone else shift their focus to the God of Hope.

Guywire Ministry

We are here for you. If any of you has questions or needs to talk with one of us in the weeks ahead, please contact us.

If there is anyone you know, man or woman, who would like to receive this email please email us.

Copyright 2020

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