Brothers and Sisters,
Peace in our hearts. We all want it, need it. It can be tough to attain though. There are things we need to do first. To receive peace, we are told we first must love each other and forgive each other "as the Lord forgave us". Not always the easiest thing to do! Intentional forgiveness can take us far outside our comfort zone.
But God knows best, and He calls us to peace. He instructs us to live in peace. Earlier in this Chapter, in verse 4, the Apostle Paul states that Christ is our life. Not just someone to admire, not just a person to occasionally emulate, but our entire life. This is what being Christ-like really means. We need to make Him, His ways, and His nature our entire life, every day of our lives. All day long.
We are called to peace; we are commanded to peace. If this is Christ-like, then we are also called to love and forgiveness as an essential part of that peace.
Is Christ your life...and your peace?
Yours Brothers in Christ,
Guywire Ministry
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Copyright 2020