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30 Days of Hope - Day 30

Guywire Ministry

Brothers and Sisters,

Today’s circumstances, the fear, anxiety and heartbreak being felt around the world, this is not God’s plan. It was never His plan to cause calamity to teach us something. He doesn’t wield instruments of suffering when His instrument of Love, Jesus, is so Powerful. We are walking through a valley but God didn’t bring us to it.  

Thirty days ago we began writing to you about a promise. A plan that God had for each of you. A plan to see you walk in Peace in these days. To walk in the Hope that The Shepherd is near and is leading us through this valley to the other side.

Hope is God’s master plan for your lives, set in place before time began. He knew each one of you before you took your first breath. He knew the trials you would face in life, the fears and anxieties that would assail your spirit. But He had a plan. A plan for each of you to rise above the circumstances in your lives. A Hope for every moment in your lives.  

We see this in today’s passage. God the Father put in place the plans for us to know the Living Hope, His Son Jesus. He put this in place long before we were here because He knew, right now, in these days we would need that Hope. We would need to know that in this life we are not alone.

Like a mason, we’ve been building a foundation in our lives these past weeks. A firm footing of Trust in God. We’ve been doing this through the daily habit of seeking Him in prayer and reading His Word. As you dig deeper in this chapter you will see that He adds to this promise...

“Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the LORD, and will bring you back from captivity.”

This is what the 30 Days of Hope has been all about. As you seek Him out you will discover He is there waiting to be found by you. As you spend time with Him you will begin to walk in the Hope He had planned for you in this life from the beginning of time. And as you walk in this Hope He will pull you back from the captivity of the circumstances in your lives.

God has a plan for you, a plan to give you Hope and a Future.

Yours Brothers in Christ,

Guywire Ministry

We are here for you. If any of you has questions or needs to talk with one of us in the weeks ahead, please contact us.

If there is anyone you know, man or woman, who would like to receive this email please email us.

Copyright 2020

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