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30 Days of Hope - Day 6

Guywire Ministry

Brothers and Sisters,

Sometimes when you are standing in the valley it's impossible to see the peak. This has been the case on a number of our mountain adventures. I’m reminded today of one such day in Yosemite. A 15 mile journey to a 10,000’ peak called Clouds Rest that looks down on everything in Yosemite Valley, including Half Dome.

Standing there at the trailhead we began with prayer asking God to see us through to our goal and back. As we put foot to path we really were stepping out in faith. We had confidence that we would reach our hoped for peak. When I thought I was halfway to the peak I came upon a sign that showed I still had the vast majority of the trip ahead. Add to this I found myself alone on the trail for the next 5 miles in backcountry terrain, a place not to be alone given the very real dangers there. 

Honestly, it was deflating, my confidence began to wane. In my anxiety, I called out to God and asked for endurance and He reminded me of all the other times when I could not see the peak and yet stood upon each one.

For me that day was a microcosm of what can happen in times like these. We are in a valley right now. We are deep in the trees. The end of these tough days is beyond our field of vision. In times like these we are more susceptible to feeling alone. This is compounded by the physical isolation so many of us are experiencing. 

These are the times to lean into God. Understand that He IS near. Lean into the Hope that while we can not see it, there is another side. Lean into the assurance that He will give us the endurance to reach it. And remember every other time He has carried us through.

Verse 3 of today's passage reads  “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.”

The brighter days we hope for may not be visible to us today. But trust that God is already busy preparing the place and will lead us to it.

Guywire Ministry

We are here for you. If any of you has questions or needs to talk with one of us in the weeks ahead, please contact us.

If there is anyone you know, man or woman, who would like to receive this email please email us.

Copyright 2020

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