Brothers and Sisters,
We’ve seen this theme developing over the first week of our spending time with Him. God is a refuge, He is a fortress, a mighty rock of unshakable Hope. He is all these things for those who Trust in Him.
Today’s verse reaffirms He cares for those who Trust in Him. One of my favorite verses is Psalm 91:1: “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”
This verse often conjures up the image of an eagle in a nest with it’s wing covering its young to protect them. When I think of Trusting in God, I think of resting in His shadow, taking comfort in the fact that He cares for all my needs and is there to cover me in the storms of this world.
Fear, stress and anxiety are pandemics, The Holy Spirit is the vaccine.
True rest comes from dwelling in His shadow.
Guywire Ministry
We are here for you. If any of you has questions or needs to talk with one of us in the weeks ahead, please contact us.
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Copyright 2020