The Words of God. Cause to celebrate,
Over these last 40 days we’ve journeyed together as we’ve gained understanding of God’s Word.
Words of life, Words of knowledge, Words of impact.
For God sent Jesus forth from His mouth. Jesus would not return empty. For He accomplished what The Father desired and achieved the purpose for which The Father sent Him.
The Word of God is not merely typeface on pages. The Word of God is Alive. Jesus embodies all that The Father wants you to know and receive in this life.
The Spirit of God has been sent to remind you of all the words of The Father and The Son. For God desires to teach you His knowledge and His ways. He calls us to obey these words for in them is life. A better life than we could have imagined. Delight in this knowledge. Delight in the privilege to have access to this learning and its impact.
God sent His Word, God sent Jesus to restore you to Himself. He preserved your eternal life. He also sent His Word to preserve your life here. God desires to be a part of the details of your days. He cares about you and the quality of your life here.
So meditate on His Word. Ponder His instructions, His commands and His promises. Reflect and know the great promise of His Word, Jesus.
Celebrate. Be of great joy. For His Living Word has been made known to us. Here and now.
Continue your journey. Grow in God’s knowledge. Seek Him daily in reading His Word and in prayer.
Copyright 2022
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